Glasses Dimensions – Explained


You will find the measurements of any pair of glasses in the product description box. We list the exact dimensions of the frame as well as the lens dimensions and bridge width for you to gauge the aspect of each pair and their suitability for you.

The Bridge Width

The bridge width is measured as the minimum horizontal distance (in mm) between the two right and left nasal surfaces. A wider bridge width indicates that the space where the glasses will sit on the nose is broader. Typically between 14mm – 24mm. If you have a wide nose you should look for glasses above 18mm+. 

The Lens Width

The lens width is (measured in mm) as the total horizontal distance between the two widest points of the lens.Typically between 40mm – 62mm

The Lens Height

The lens height (measured in mm) is the vertical distance dustance between the two longest points of the lens.

The Temple (Arm) Length

The glasses temple length, or sometimes referred as arm length is the distance between the corner hinge point to the end of the tip of the arm (measured in mm).Typically between 125mm – 135mm

Frame Width

The frame width is the overall distance from hinge to hinge of the frame measured horizontally (in mms).Typically between 125mm – 145mm

As a guide, a narrow frame width is considered to be around 130-133mm,. A typical normal size frame which will fit the mass majority of people will range from 134mm-139mm and a wide frame from 139mm+ upwards.


How should they fit?


Getting the right bridge design and position is the key to a comfortable fit.

The top of your frames should be no higher than the line of your eyebrows.

The lower edge of the frames shouldn’t sit on your cheeks, so that they don’t rub or irritate.

The size should be in proportion to your face. If you have a small face, don’t choose large glasses.

The width of the frames should not be wider than the overall width of your face at the temples.


Which style frames should I choose?


People have different preferences of styles – aviator, retro, cats eyes, semi-rimless, rectangular, classic, rimless etc. There is a common misconception that depending upon your face shape you should only opt for certain styles. e.g. Round faces should not wear round frames as their face will look rounder. There is certainly no right or wrong way in purchasing a pair of glasses. In our years of experience, it really does not matter which style frame or colour you choose. So long as YOU like the style of frame and the fitting is comfortable, thats all whats required. 


Which colour frame should I choose?


We have all types of colour frames from yellow, orange to black. Expressing yourself with colour is a great way to tell people who you are whereas a classic pair tends to be in black, brown or tortoiseshell coloured frames. Many people like to match the colour of their reading glasses with particular outfit or purpose. e.g. black for the day and coloured pair for the night.

Some people also like to co-ordinate their reading glasses with certain rooms in their house or places where they keep them. e.g. buying a green pair for the office and a blue pair for the bedside table. It helps identify where there glasses are and where they should be!

The choice is really yours when it comes to colour and select a pair which you like and is relevant to what you have been previously wearing. 

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